Management Workshop On Planning For Retirement

The Institute of Retirement Management Nigeria (IREMAN) presents her compliments and is glad to forward the above mentioned proposal for your kind consideration.

We are a management development institution with the mandate for promoting capacity building in retirement planning, post-retirement interest mapping, specialized vocational activities, financial planning, book-keeping, advocacy, health and wellness and allied services for better adjustment to the challenges of Retirement.

In our proposal, we have among others highlighted the rationale for the training, workshop objectives, contents and mode of programme administration. We beg to state that this programme is innovative and a clear departure from previous mode of preparing potential retirees for the challenges ahead. It will certainly add great value to retirees and promote national economic growth and development.

Please feel free to ask for further clarification on any issue concerning the proposal. While we look forward to your favourable consideration, kindly accept the very warm esteem of the Institute.

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