Gen. Nwaoga is an accomplished Military officer and astute administrator who rose to the commanding heights of the Nigerian army and served his fatherland meritoriously for well over three (3) decades.
His colourful military career got him serving in very many strategic Directorate and Commanding positions in the Nigerian army such as:
- Director, Research and Development – Headquarters, Doctrine Command
- Director Of Manpower – Army Headquarters
- Commander, Armored Corps – Nigerian Army Armored Corps
- General Officer Commanding – 3 Division Nigerian Army
- Finally, Director of Policy – Defense Headquarters (A position he retired from)
His educational career was no less brilliant as he graduated from the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy with a Certificate of Education, He went on to bag an Advanced Diploma in Law, Security and Conflict Resolution and finally capped it up with a Master Of Science Degree in Disaster Management from Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.
The General attended many short courses and professional military training programmes such as NIPSS Senior Executive Course 30, Trans-Sahara Security Symposium Course, African Union Senior Mission Leader Course and International Disaster Management Course to mention but a few .
His diligence and commitment to service stood him out for many special awards which include:
- The General Service Star (Gss)
- Passed Staff Course (Psc),
- Member of the National Institute (Mni).
- Special mention must be made of the Chief of Army Staff Commendation Award in 2013 for his superlative performance in counter terrorism.
Now on retirement, Gen Nwaoga is engaged in diverse business activities ranging from farming, tourism and real estate management. He is happily married and blessed with children.
This Soldier par excellence and leader of men brings his versatility and service antecedents, to bear on the Council of the Institute of Retirement Management.